Submit an article

We invite marketing professionals, students, lawyers and other legal service providers to send us their article for publication in our blog, social networks and digital magazine.

About article submissions

Our goal as a provider of education, research, and consulting is to provide the community of marketing professionals and legal services providers with professional articles in legal marketing and sales of legal services that generate an impact in the legal community.

All articles submitted for review must follow our editorial guidelines to verify the quality, accuracy, and originality of the contributions.

And a friendly reminder, before you submit your contribution, you must request an LDMI ID by emailing

To submit your article, fill the form on this page and follow the instructions.


Submitting your article

The first step is to provide your full name, email address, and LDMI ID. The second step is to paste your article in the message section of the form.

The instructions and remarks for the second step are as follows:

  • Paste your article in text format following the instructions available in the editorial guidelines.
  • The editorial guidelines include the article length, text formatting, and further instructions for including images and citations.
  • All articles must include the corresponding citations if you are using external sources to write your contribution.
  • All articles submitted must include a short author biography, an author photo, and links to social media profiles (if available).
  • If you have any questions, send us an email to or read the editorial guidelines available on this page.

    Submit your article

    Select your preferred channel for publication

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    Editorial Guidelines

    Download the editorial guidelines to learn more about the process of article submission. If you have any questions write us an email to

    Become a Legal Digital Marketer – Second Edition

    By purchasing a CLDM exam voucher, you will automatically receive a PDF copy of the publication with the right to print it.

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