eLearning Portal Terms & Conditions

Our eLearning portal provides official Institute certification courses in on-demand mode. Before taking any of the available courses, we invite you to read the following terms and conditions:

1. Before purchasing any of the courses available on the eLearning platform, you must request an LDMI ID.

2. Upon completion of any of the official on-demand certification courses, the student will receive a certification and digital badge, which will be sent through the Certifier.io platform within a period of no more than 3 business days.

3. If there is any technical problem with the use of the platform, the student can contact us at support@legaldminstitute.org to receive the corresponding support.

4. Once the certification and digital badge are issued, a refund cannot be requested.

5. The current prices of the courses and certifications available on the online education portal will be valid until December 31, 2024. The Institute reserves the right to make changes to the costs of the courses and certifications after the aforementioned date.

6. The material of the on-demand courses are the exclusive property of the Legal Digital Marketing Institute, LLC and may not be distributed, published, resold or shared to the public or any person or entity or through any digital, physical and/or medium in any format without the express consent of the Institute.

7. If you wish to purchase the material for the available courses, you can request it by emailing support@legaldminstitute.org.

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