LMF Badge

Certified Legal Digital Marketer™

The Certified Legal Digital Marketer™ (CLDM) certification was created with the goal to provide lawyers, legal marketing consultants, and professionals in charge of promoting legal services, with a professional designation that can validate the knowledge obtained in the field of legal digital marketing. The CLDM designation is valid for 4 years.

Routes to Certification

The Institute makes available 4 certification routes for qualified candidates who are interested in earning the Certified Legal Digital Marketer™ credential.

Accredited Course Route

To qualify for this route, a certification candidate must complete an accredited course delivered directly by the institute, by an accredited training provider, or by an academic partner. These courses are identified by a unique course code and are associated with a specific credential offered by the institute.

Recognized Prior Learning Route

To qualify for this route, a certification candidate must demonstrate the completion of a course related with the learning objectives of the certification he or she is intending to apply to. These courses can be from different sources and/or delivery methods.

Experience Route

To qualify for this route, a certification candidate must demonstrate professional experience in legal marketing through the submission of a updated resume. The experience route is available only to CLDM candidates.

Exam Route

This route is open to any candidate who already has the necessary knowledge and experience to practice legal marketing in a professional-level capacity. The exam route is available only for the CLMA and CLDM certifications, and both exams are based on the Become a Legal Digital Marketer – Second Edition publication.

How can you earn your CLDM certification and badge

Step 1: Request your LDMI ID

The LDMI ID serves as a unique identification code assigned by the Institute to applicants, members and certified professionals with the objective of identifying them across the different Institute’s products and services.

Step 5: Pay the certification fee and get certified!

The certification fee is paid through the store section (experience route and RPL route). For the exam route, you need to purchase an exam voucher through the exam center, and for the accredited course route, the fee is already included if you purchase a course.

Step 2: Choose your certification route

The Institute makes available 4 certification routes for qualified candidates who are interested in earning the Certified Legal Digital Marketer™ credential.

Step 3: Complete the set requirements of the chosen certification route

Each route to certification has a set of requirements that you need to fulfill before applying for the CLDM credential.

Step 4: Apply for the CLDM certification

You only need to apply for the experience route and the recognized-prior learning route by filling out the form available at the end of this page. For the accredited course route and exam route, no application is required as your certification and badge will be automatically issued to you upon course or exam completion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

For how long is the CLDM certification valid?

The CLDM certification is valid for 4 years and can be renewed by demonstrating that you remain active in the legal marketing profession.

How can I renew my CLDM certification?

You can renew your certification by demonstrating that you are up-to-date and practicing professionally as a legal marketer. This can be done through an updated resume with at least three projects related to legal marketing or through three recommendations from clients in which you have carried out projects as a legal marketer.

When can I apply for recertification?

You can apply for recertification 6 months before your certification expires.

What are the requirements to apply for recertification?

You only need your LDMI ID, the required evidence and pay the recertification fee. After that, a new certificate with the updated expiration date will be issue to you.

What is the fee for the CLDM certification?

The certification fee is USD 300.00 for all certification routes except for the accredited course route. In case of taking an accredited certification course, the fee for the certification is already included in the course fee.

How can I prepare for the CLDM certification exam?

The Become a Legal Digital Marketer’s book serves as the official study guide for the exam, however, you can consult other sources to increase your knowledge of the discipline. We recommend that you take the practice exams before taking the official exam. Remember that when you purchase an exam attempt you will have 2 additional attempts included. Subsequent attempts will have a 50% discount.

How can I demonstrate my experience to apply for the CLDM certification through the experience route?

You can demonstrate your experience by submitting an updated resume and the link to your LinkedIn profile for validation. Download the CLDM handbook to learn more about the experience route.

Where can I take an accredited certification course?

You can review our upcoming accredited live/virtual courses taught by an ATP through the upcoming events page or sign up for the on-demand version through the eLearning portal.

How do I know if a course satisfies the requirement to apply through the recognized prior learning route?

Please send us an email at support@legaldminstitute.org with the course details for review.

Which accredited course is associated with the CLDM certification?

The accredited course associated with the CLDM certification is the Legal Marketing Advanced Course (LMAC).

What is Certified?

Certifier is the digital platform that issues official LDMI certifications and badges. Through Certifier, you can share your badge and certifications on LinkedIn and other social networks so your community can verify and share your achievement.

How to use this form

The first step is to provide your full name, email address, and LDMI ID. The second step is to fill out the message section with the requested information below, and the third step is to select the credential that you are applying for and the selected route of certification.

The instructions for the second step are as follows:


  • If you are applying through the experience route, paste your resume in the message section or send it by email to support@legaldminstitute.org.
  • If you are applying through the recognized prior learning route, paste the details of the course taken and include the completion date, course provider, course title, delivery method, course syllabus, and course duration.
  • If you are applying through the accredited course route, your certification will be issued to you automatically upon course completion within a period of 1 to 3 business days.
  • If you are applying through the exam route, your certification and badge will be issued to you automatically upon exam passing within a period of 1 to 3 business days.

Apply to get certified!

Select Credential

Select Route

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¿Still have questions?

Download the CLDM Handbook for more detailed information about how to obtain your certification and badge or write to us at support@legaldminstitute.org.

Become a Legal Digital Marketer – Second Edition

By purchasing a CLDM exam voucher, you will automatically receive a PDF copy of the publication with the right to print it.

Check out the Legal Marketing Advanced Course

The Legal Marketing Advanced Course (LMAC) serves as the official course to earn the CLDM credential. The on-demand version of this course will be available soon.

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