
Out of content ideas for your law practice? No problem!. Here are 3 FREE tools that you can use to generate content FAST!

by Sep 6, 2020

We know lawyers are busy professionals that sometimes don’t have time to come up with valuable content ideas. But it is important, that as a legal professional you make up the time to create content for your audience as it is necessary to increase your visibility and build your online reputation.

With this in mind, here are 3 FREE tools that you can use to generate content ideas for your legal practice and save a lot of time!

1. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a free tool created by Neil Patel. This tool helps you research keywords that you can use on your website to improve your ranking on search engines. 

As shown in the image below, when you type a specific keyword there is a content ideas tab on the left side. The content ideas tab will show you the best-ranked website based on your keyword. Check out the social shares on each post.

What you can do is create a post based on the content of those posts and try to improve them. If you use those posts as a reference to create your own posts don’t forget to cite the source and give credit to the author by adding a link to the source.

2. Answer the Public

Technically, this is not a free tool but you have 2 free search queries per day and you can make the most out of them. 

This tool helps you to generate content ideas based on what people ask from a specific keyword. For example, if you type marketing for lawyers, this tool will generate all the possible questions that people ask related to marketing for lawyers.

You simply, answer the questions that people ask and create a post based on it and share it in your blog and social media profiles.

3. Keywords Everywhere

This tool works as google chrome and firefox extensions. You can install the free version of this tool using the chosen browser and it will start generating keywords suggestions based on your search queries. 

You can use the keywords suggestions and add them to your website and future posts. Additionally, using the suggested keywords you can generate content ideas similar to the Answer the Public tool.

Honorable mention: Quora

Quora is not a tool but a social media network. Quora is a fantastic channel to generate content ideas because you will create your content based on what people are really asking. 

You can create a profile on Quora and start answering questions. This will help you generate credibility and also come up with good ideas for your posts and social media content.

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